
Monday, June 30, 2008

Improving by degrees

We did get out of the house yesterday, it was only for a short walk along the river. The rest of the day was indoors-play!

Well the view from the window is markedly better than the previous two days; however, the wind seems to have dropped!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Getting ready for the school holidays

Windy and wet...what a change!

This time it's light rain most of the time with heavy showers passing through.
Definition of a shower: a period of rain that lasts less than an hour!

A slow start to Sunday, hurrah for the school holidays. Less need to rush around meeting deadlines: breakfast, washes, packed lunches, stories at bedtime, etc. At last a chnce to relax and take things as they come. Two lively children indoors a lot of the time is a recipe for a headache! Thankfully, full waterproofs and wellies are at the ready.

Will try and go puddle-jumping or something similar later today

I'm off to get their teeth brushed

Will keep you posted.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

What fly is this?

What is it?
I pulled up the window-blind and this flew out!
Never seen one before, can anyone tell me. It flew with it's body dangling below the wings. As you can see it was about 2 inches long!

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Indoor play this morning

Things that we do when the weather stops us getting out, like today!

Hopefully the weather will improve this afternoon and we will get out :-)

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Another day in paradise

Well, this is what I've come to expect from a West Coast summer: that is, mild, windy and mizzling.

Mizzle (n): a persistent misty, drizzlethat gets you wet before you know it!

I hope the wind keeps up, then we won't have to worry about the midges :-)



Friday, June 27, 2008

Brand New Up & Running

Well I've tried this before, on the Yahoo site, but for several reasons it didn't work out. Mostly because I didn't post regularly enough!

Well this time I'm going to try and make my posts shorter and frequent.


He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.
Chinese Proverb